Enlarged 7x life-size, 12-part
Family: Papilionaceae/Leguminoseae
The pea is one of the earliest cultivated crops, first harvested in the early Stone Age. There are over 17,000 members of the Papilionaceae family, named for its butterfly-like zygomorphic symmetry of the corolla. The corolla consists of petals, 2 wings, and the keel that comes from two petals which have grown together. Peas are also Legumes, meaning they form a symbiotic relationship with a rhizobium bacteria to fix nitrogen from the air into a form used in the soil. They thrive in low nitrogen, high pH environments in which other plants can’t survive.
This model has 11 parts and is mounted on a base. Use this model to teach the principals of genetics that Gregor Mendel discovered using Sweet Peas. Easily examine the Parent and F1 generations and discuss sexual and asexual reproduction. 10 x 7 x 10½”, .3kg
Family: Papilionaceae/Leguminoseae
The pea is one of the earliest cultivated crops, first harvested in the early Stone Age. There are over 17,000 members of the Papilionaceae family, named for its butterfly-like zygomorphic symmetry of the corolla. The corolla consists of petals, 2 wings, and the keel that comes from two petals which have grown together. Peas are also Legumes, meaning they form a symbiotic relationship with a rhizobium bacteria to fix nitrogen from the air into a form used in the soil. They thrive in low nitrogen, high pH environments in which other plants can’t survive.
This model has 11 parts and is mounted on a base. Use this model to teach the principals of genetics that Gregor Mendel discovered using Sweet Peas. Easily examine the Parent and F1 generations and discuss sexual and asexual reproduction. 10 x 7 x 10½”, .3kg
- 313025
- T21026