enlarged approx. 4 times, made of SOMSO-Plast®. The model of the human heart, which can be disassembled and combined in many ways, is mounted in its natural position on a diaphragmatic base and is particularly suitable for teaching in the lecture theatre. Demonstration of the heart crown and ventricular base. The pericardial relationships can be demonstrated on the corresponding section lines, the valve plane with leaflets and pocket valves and the course of the coronary vessels can be shown in context. The trachea and oesophagus are shown, as is the descending aorta. Can be divided into a total of 10 parts as follows: Diaphragmatic base, ventricular base with ventricles (2), cardiac crown, right atrium, left atrium, pulmonary artery, aorta (2) and trachea and oesophagus. On a green base.
Weight (in kg):24 kg
Height:76 cm
Width:48 cm
Length:60 cm
Weight (in kg):24 kg
Height:76 cm
Width:48 cm
Length:60 cm
- HS 24/SOM