This phantom is created from real patient data and is manufactured with the latest technology.
Bone, vessels and soft tissue are authentically represented with realistic CT values for all tissues at a tube voltage of 120 kVp in CT. If the phantom is to be used primarily with other tube voltages (e.g. 100 kVp), the calibration of the CT values can be adapted accordingly on request. The phantom provides realistic tissue contrasts in radiographic imaging. The airspaces are filled with a material of approximately -80 Hounsfielde units.
The phantom provides an extremely realistic simulation of a contrasted abdomen (portal venous phase) of a child with a flat vertebra (first lumbar vertebra). The phantom provides realistic tissue contrast (with portal venous contrast) in radiographic imaging. The phantom includes the abdomen from the tenth
The phantom includes the abdomen from the tenth thoracic vertebra to the base plate of the fourth lumbar vertebra, including the complete liver and both kidneys.
Size: 20x16x12cm
Bone, vessels and soft tissue are authentically represented with realistic CT values for all tissues at a tube voltage of 120 kVp in CT. If the phantom is to be used primarily with other tube voltages (e.g. 100 kVp), the calibration of the CT values can be adapted accordingly on request. The phantom provides realistic tissue contrasts in radiographic imaging. The airspaces are filled with a material of approximately -80 Hounsfielde units.
The phantom provides an extremely realistic simulation of a contrasted abdomen (portal venous phase) of a child with a flat vertebra (first lumbar vertebra). The phantom provides realistic tissue contrast (with portal venous contrast) in radiographic imaging. The phantom includes the abdomen from the tenth
The phantom includes the abdomen from the tenth thoracic vertebra to the base plate of the fourth lumbar vertebra, including the complete liver and both kidneys.
Size: 20x16x12cm
- NLP1110/EZ