Understanding the complex interactions between renewable energies, energy stores and consumers in a smart grid is an important objective in vocational and technical education. leXsolar-SmartGrid Professional is the ideal basic training system to reach this goal. With setting-up smart grids on a laboratory scale and its measurement and control students will learn the electro-technical challenges of mains operations very demonstratively. Pre-set or user-created scenarios let the students gradually develop their knowledge with their own experiments. The influence of renewable energies on grid stability is one major issue of the product. The students at first experience the problem within an experiment to develop approaches for increasing grid stability on their own. At the end they will verify them in practical experiments. Even such complex concepts as demand-side-management or conductor rope monitoring can be addressed in experiments. The basis for most of the experiments is the innovative leXsolar-Smartmeter allowing measurement and control of the energy fluxes in the experiments.
The experiment components for renewable energies such as wind and photovoltaics as well as energy stores such as lithium-iron-phosphate batteries or fuel cells allow a large variety of fundamental experiments besides the smart grid experiments.
The experiment components for renewable energies such as wind and photovoltaics as well as energy stores such as lithium-iron-phosphate batteries or fuel cells allow a large variety of fundamental experiments besides the smart grid experiments.
- 1607/LEX