As the name implies, the Sick Boy offers the trainee bronchoscopist the opportunity of visualizing some typical endoscopic pathology, as well as doing forceps biopsies of a right upper lobe lesion.
It includes an adenoma and a tumor, and a mucous plug, which also presents the differential diagnosis of a perforated lymph node. As a training aid, it is meant to be used in conjunction with the Broncho Boy Model. A simple, but effective, locking device at the lower end of the trachea in all new Broncho Boy Models allows quick interchange of the normal tracheo-bronchial tree with the "SICK" system.
It includes an adenoma and a tumor, and a mucous plug, which also presents the differential diagnosis of a perforated lymph node. As a training aid, it is meant to be used in conjunction with the Broncho Boy Model. A simple, but effective, locking device at the lower end of the trachea in all new Broncho Boy Models allows quick interchange of the normal tracheo-bronchial tree with the "SICK" system.
- CLA 9/6/SOM
- TS 9/6