The precise representation of the outer, middle and inner ear simplifies the explanation of clinical pictures and treatments. The 4-part ear model portrays a 3-fold enlargement of the outer, middle and inner ear. In the middle ear, the eardrum with the auditory ossicles can be identified. The inner ear includes the 2-part labyrinth, complete with the cochlea and the vestibular organ. All four parts are removable.
Product Details for this Ear Model:
Outer, middle and inner ear
Tymphanum with hammer and anvil
2-part labyrinth with stirrup
Cochlea, auditory and vestibular nerves (removable)
Mounted on base
Dimensions: 34cm x16cm x 22cm
Product Details for this Ear Model:
Outer, middle and inner ear
Tymphanum with hammer and anvil
2-part labyrinth with stirrup
Cochlea, auditory and vestibular nerves (removable)
Mounted on base
Dimensions: 34cm x16cm x 22cm
- H127119