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For the precise determination angular position, particularly of optical spectra. Can also be used as a spectroscope for the observation and measurement of emission and absorption spectra. When used with a prism, students can observe visible light as it is dispersed by wavelength. When used with a diffraction grating and a gas discharge tube, students can observe the emission spectrum of various gases. The wavelengths of each electron transition in the spectrum can be calculated according to the angle of deflection of the light traveling through the grating. The Advanced Spectrometer-Goniometer illustrates the concepts behind discovering the properties of astronomical objects such as chemical composition or velocity.
- Collimator tube is removable with a height adjustment screw
- Symmetrical precision slit made of hardened steel; adjustable up to 80 microns
- Fine adjustment screw allows for length changes of the collimator
- Slit height is adjustable from 0 - 10 mm
- Adjustment screw attaching the arm to the base allows for fine linear adjustments
- Point bearings allow for fine azimuthal angle adjustments via the height adjustment screw
The ocular tube is also removable with a height adjustment screw. It features a continuously adjustable eyepiece with an 18 mm aperture and cross wires. The focal length of the ocular tube is 160 mm. Point bearings allow for fine azimuthal angle adjustments via the height adjustment screw. An adjustment screw attaching the arm to the base allows for minute adjustments to the left and right. The fine adjustment screw attached to the arm of the ocular tube allows for minute adjustments to the vernier scale.
The graduated disc features a 360° scale with divisions of 0.5° and two vernier scales separated by 180°. The vernier scale has an accuracy of 1 angular minute. Two magnifying lenses are attached to the base for easy reading and increased accuracy in measurements, also separated by 180°.
The prism table is removable and features three point bearing leveling screws. The prism and holder are included as well as the diffraction grating holder.
Spectral telescope: Continuously adjustable with eyepiece cross-wires
Objective: 18 mm / 160 mm
Slit tube: Symmetrical precision slit of hardened steel
Eyepiece: 18 mm aperture, 160 mm focal length
Vernier reading accuracy: 1 angular minute
Weight: 7.9 kg
- Flint glass (60°)
- Dispersion C-F 2°
- Length of base: 33 mm, height: 22mm
Angular scale:
- 0° up to 360°
- Division 0.5°
- Collimator tube is removable with a height adjustment screw
- Symmetrical precision slit made of hardened steel; adjustable up to 80 microns
- Fine adjustment screw allows for length changes of the collimator
- Slit height is adjustable from 0 - 10 mm
- Adjustment screw attaching the arm to the base allows for fine linear adjustments
- Point bearings allow for fine azimuthal angle adjustments via the height adjustment screw
The ocular tube is also removable with a height adjustment screw. It features a continuously adjustable eyepiece with an 18 mm aperture and cross wires. The focal length of the ocular tube is 160 mm. Point bearings allow for fine azimuthal angle adjustments via the height adjustment screw. An adjustment screw attaching the arm to the base allows for minute adjustments to the left and right. The fine adjustment screw attached to the arm of the ocular tube allows for minute adjustments to the vernier scale.
The graduated disc features a 360° scale with divisions of 0.5° and two vernier scales separated by 180°. The vernier scale has an accuracy of 1 angular minute. Two magnifying lenses are attached to the base for easy reading and increased accuracy in measurements, also separated by 180°.
The prism table is removable and features three point bearing leveling screws. The prism and holder are included as well as the diffraction grating holder.
Spectral telescope: Continuously adjustable with eyepiece cross-wires
Objective: 18 mm / 160 mm
Slit tube: Symmetrical precision slit of hardened steel
Eyepiece: 18 mm aperture, 160 mm focal length
Vernier reading accuracy: 1 angular minute
Weight: 7.9 kg
- Flint glass (60°)
- Dispersion C-F 2°
- Length of base: 33 mm, height: 22mm
Angular scale:
- 0° up to 360°
- Division 0.5°
- 1002912/3B